Generally, the player's ball must not strike the flagstick when removed from the hole (Rule 17-3).
What is the ruling in the following situations:
(a) A player putts too strongly and his ball strikes the flagstick which has been removed by someone in his match or group and placed on the ground behind the hole.
(b) A player plays his second shot to the green and the ball strikes the flagstick, which had been blown down by the wind and was lying on the ground.
(c) A player, not believing he can reach the green which is occupied by the match or group ahead of him, plays his second shot at a par-5 hole and the ball rolls onto the green and strikes the flagstick which has been removed from the hole and placed on the ground by someone in the match or group ahead.
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(a) The player incurs a penalty of loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play under Rule 17-3a and the ball must be played as it lies.
(b) and (c) No penalty is incurred. Rule 17-3a is not applicable in either case. It applies only when the flagstick has been removed with the player's authority or prior knowledge by someone in the player's match or group.
17-3. Ball Striking Flagstick or Attendant
The player's ball must not strike:
- The flagstick when it is attended, removed or held up;
- The person attending or holding up the flagstick or anything carried by him; or
- The flagstick in the hole, unattended, when the stroke has been made on the putting green.
Exception: When the flagstick is attended, removed or held up without the player's authority