Save Sharp Park!!

UPDATE: 12/19/11 – Mayor Ed Lee vetoes Sharp Park legislation (

In case you missed the email from the NCGA regarding saving Sharp Park golf course, here's the text of their email:

Dear NCGA Member,

The purpose of this e-mail is to ask for your participation as a voice for golf in Northern California on an action that has the potential of being detrimental to all golf courses.

As you may be aware, Sharp Park Golf Course, located in Pacifica just outside of San Francisco, has had a lawsuit filed against the course to close it based on the Endangered Species Act. This lawsuit, which is unique in that it is against an existing course rather than one that is seeking a permit to build, will commence in July 2012. In the interim, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted last Tuesday (6-5) in favor of closing the golf course and turning it over to the National Park Service.

Mayor Lee of San Francisco is expected to exercise his powers to veto the decision to close the golf course. The actions taken against Sharp Park are not limited to this unique seaside golf course. Any golf course that contains a habitat of an endangered species is also at risk depending on the results of the lawsuit. We are therefore asking you to please click on the link below to notify Mayor Lee that you do not want to see Sharp Park Golf Course closed. Your voice, on behalf of golf is extremely important.

These actions toward Sharp Park have nothing to do with the financial viability of the operation; it is about an environmentalist attack against the properties that golf courses occupy. It is a very well calculated, and well funded strategy to close and or significantly impact golf courses by protecting the habitats of protected species. The injunction hearing held on November 18 was a request to stop Sharp Park from mowing and maintaining 10 holes in effort to protect the Red-legged Frog and San Francisco Garter Snake. Fortunately the injunction was denied by Federal Court Judge Illston.

You can learn more about this via the website, but please, make your voice heard by accessing the links below. Contact Mayor Lee to urge his veto of the supervisors actions and make your opinions known to the SF board of supervisors as well to save Sharp Park. Letters, e-mails and opinions must be received by Tuesday, December 20.

What can we do as Poplar Creek members?  Say what you will about Sharp Park, good or bad, but we as participants in the game need to step up and throw in our support to save the long-traditioned course that has been part of our local history for 80 plus years! 

Email the San Francisco Mayor and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors by using the email links below depending on your email program.;;;;;;;;;;; Park

If for some reason the link above does does not work on your computer, copy the email addresses below into the TO field of your email program.

Sample text you can use in your email.  Be sure to include your name and city at the end for your voice to be counted.

What is happening at the Sharp Park Golf Course is a travesty and the environmentalists are running unchecked, in a very grey area, attacking an existing golf course which has been in place for 80 years!

It is a vital recreation area for 100,000 recreational golfers annually from all over the Bay Area and also a lasting reminder to historic design efforts of one of golf’s greatest course designers, Alister Mackenzie.

Mayor – the Supervisors have opened the door to the environmentalists with their CLOSE vote.  The environmentalists only need one win like this to start working on closing Lincoln Park, the Olympic Club, Lake Merced or any other golf course which may fall in their sights, including other SF golf courses and on the Peninsula and many other areas.  The SF Supervisors have mistakenly created a devastating precedence.  You must VETO this vote!


Thank you members for throwing in your support. 

We need Sharp Park!!