The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (2017)

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Poplar Creek
April 8, 2017 (Sat)

  Flight 1 Gross Won Each
1 A. White / B. Su 91 50.00
2 J. Lambrechts / M. Mulhearn 100 40.00
3 B. Stevens / D. McNeilly 100 30.00
4 G. Blackstock / D. Kunz 102  
5 K. Ditty / M. Ditty 102  
6 J. Abayon / K. Fernandez 102  
7 B. Thaute / S. Rehn 103  
8 A. Miyake / S. Shimabuku 103  
9 T. Kmak / G. Natenson 105  
10 G. Saunders / P. Hudec 105  
11 Z. Amero / R. Wyman 108  
  Flight 2 Gross Won Each
1 D. Baltor / J. Canepa 95 50.00
2 C. Joseph / M. Eurkus 97 40.00
3 A. Klein / S. Hildebrand 100 30.00
4 E. Picchi / F. Reyes 101  
5 W. Aguilar / F. Esikia 101  
6 H. Wrigley / J. Herd 101  
7 M. Bradley / L. Fontaine 102  
8 C. Vanover / K. Boone 103  
9 F. Ochoa / J. Better 108  
10 D. Murray / N. Murray NC  
  Flight 3 Gross Won Each
1 D. Delbon / D. Delbon 96 50.00
2 D. Sanchez / A. Sandoval 103 40.00
3 D. Ota / T. Santoro 103 30.00
4 P. Fuhrman / L. Badet 103  
5 A. Bogenhuber / L. Shaw 104  
6 K. O'Malley / T. Mulkeen 105  
7 R. Gubert / R. Nessler 109  
8 R. Courchaine / G. Davenport 109  
9 C. Irwin / P. Swain NC  


This is a 2-Man event and is a brand new format for us but is played in other local clubs. 

  • The Good – Holes 1-6, best net ball between the 2 partners.
  • The Bad – Holes 7 – 12, the worst, or highest net score of the 2 man team.  Example:  Palmer scores a net 4, Nicklaus has a net 5 on the same hole, team score is the 5.
  • The Ugly –  Hole 13-18 both net scores are combined.   Example: Palmer scores a net 4, Nicklaus has a net 6 on the same hole, team score is the 10.

Par for the course is normally 70 but for this tournament par is 94.  The extra 24 strokes comes from The Ugly holes (13-18) since both player's scores are used.

Hole Par
The Good
1 5
2 4
3 3
4 4
5 3
6 4
The Bad
7 3
8 4
9 5
10 4
11 4
12 3
The Ugly
13 8
14 10
15 6
16 10
17 6
18 8
Total 94



The Year Without Golf!

The Year Without Golf!
by Chip with a Splash

After a week of sunny weather, the rains have returned.  As an admitted golf junkie, this is my lament, rain.  Some pundits make the claim golf played in the rain is a truer test of the game. Scottish, argyle, bagpipes and all of that purist hogwash.  I firmly believe the only things enhanced by water are Scotch and very specific co-ed hot tub games.  Anything else becomes time-consuming and burdensome.

And so it goes.  Personally, this liquid sunshine has altered my sleep patterns, sunscreen usage, and general cheeriness.  My nights have become like the neglected bread knife in a gluten-free home, cold, dull and way too long.  Gone are the dreams of bogies, birdies, cute cart girls and beer.  They have been replaced with nightmares of the movies “Poseidon Adventure” and “Titanic” on an endless loop.  The mention of Ernest Borgnine, Leo DiCapra or Shelly Winters gives me the cold sweats.  Surprisingly, the thought of Kate Winslet does not.  Funny how dreams work.

I need sun.  I have spent so much time walking the aisles of the Golf Mart, the employees think I am on staff.  I have even thought of building a golf-themed ark.  Keith Gonsalves, another sufferer, helped me draw up the plans on a canceled tournament score sheet. It’s kinda of a cool ship with multiple driving mats and three bars.  There is no room however, for animals other than PCGC members, but sacrifices had to be made.

I’m on the verge of a golf breakdown.  I long for the days of taking a good round into our eighteenth hole only to blow up.  Double bogies are starting to sound good to me.  Hitting three from the tee doesn’t sound all that bad anymore.  I just might have to don my rain gear and get Scottish.

Point Par (Stableford) (2017)

Point Par Stableford
Poplar Creek
Apr 22, 2017 (Sat)

Rank Flight 1 Gross Hdcp Net +/- Won
1 James Lambrechts 31 9 40 -4 50.00
2 Thomas Kmak 33 3 36 0 40.00
3 John Venturino 28 6 34 +3 30.00
4 Marty Lambrechts 25 9 34 +2 20.00
5 Charlie Joseph 27 7 33 +4 10.00
6 David Butzman 26 7 33 +7  
7 Kyle Hagen 26 7 33 +3  
8 Matt Ditty 25 8 32 +4  
9 Art White 25 7 32 +4  
10 Brian Su 28 3 31 +5  
11 Sid Shimabuku 22 8 30 +6  
12 Joseph Hovan Sr. 24 6 30 +9  
13 Wayne Miller 22 8 29 +7  
14 Steve Humeny 20 9 29 +8  
15 Bruce Lorin NS 9 NS NS  
Rank Flight 2 Gross Hdcp Net +/- Won
1 Peter Hutton 27 12 38 -1 50.00
2 Kenneth Boone 27 10 37 -1 40.00
3 Dennis Kunz 27 9 36 0 30.00
4 Joseph Canepa 23 13 35 +2 20.00
5 Mike Mulhearn 23 12 35 +1 10.00
6 Felila Esikia 21 12 33 +3  
7 Kevin O'Malley 20 12 31 +5  
8 Bill Stevens 21 10 31 +6  
9 Jim McCann 19 13 31 +5  
10 David Stephenson 18 13 30 +6  
11 Michael Duncan 17 13 30 +7  
12 Allen Miyake 17 13 29 +7  
13 Ken Ditty 15 13 28 +8  
14 Gordon Blackstock 12 10 22 +15  
Rank Flight 3 Gross Hdcp Net +/- Won
1 William Strahan 22 14 36 0 50.00
2 Stephen Hildebrand 20 16 36 0 40.00
3 Bill Capote 21 15 36 0 30.00
4 Levi Fontaine 20 16 35 +1 20.00
5 Bradley Thaute 19 15 34 +2 10.00
6 Mike Ryan 19 15 34 +2  
7 Jason Herd 20 14 33 +3  
8 Randy Gubert 19 14 32 +6  
9 Cliff Vanover 17 16 32 +4  
10 David Jackson 19 14 32 +4  
11 David Delbon 15 16 30 +6  
12 Michael Bradley 14 14 27 +10  
13 Garrett Saunders 15 14 27 +9  
14 Dave McNeilly 14 15 27 +9  
15 Dave Baltor 12 16 24 +12  
Rank Flight 4 Gross Hdcp Net +/- Won
1 Mike Eurkus 23 20 41 -4 50.00
2 Armando Sandoval 16 24 39 -3 40.00
3 Ken Gerstle 16 22 38 -2 30.00
4 William Jarvis 15 25 38 -2 20.00
5 Dan Sanchez 10 31 37 +1 10.00
6 Richard Nessler 12 29 36 +1  
7 Thomas Santoro 8 33 35 +1  
8 Paul Fuhrman 15 18 31 +5  
9 Lou Badet 15 18 31 +6  
10 Doug Ota 12 19 30 +7  
11 Don Delbon 11 21 30 +7  
12 Robert Nikaido 10 21 27 +10  
13 Jacob Levy 7 23 26 +11  
14 Eddie Perez 10 21 25 +14  
15 Tom Mulkeen 10 20 22 +16  
16 Leo Fonseca 9 NH 9 +29  

Redwood General tire Closest to the Pin
Hole #5 – Brad Thaute
Hole #12 – Dennis Kunz