Beat The Pro

Beat The Pro
Poplar Creek
3/19/17 (Sun)

  Flight 1 Gross Hdcp Net +/- Won
1 Dennis Kunz 77 10 67 -3 50.00
2 Thomas Kmak 74 3 71 +1 40.00
3 Nick Fracchia 79 6 73 +3 30.00
4 Art White 81 7 74 +4 20.00
5 Bruce Lorin 83 8 75 +5 10.00
6 Joseph Hovan 81 6 75 +5  
7 Bill Stevens 85 9 76 +6  
8 David Butzman 85 7 78 +8  
9 John Edmondson  85 6 79 +9  
10 Charlie Joseph 86 7 79 +9  
11 James Lambrechts 88 8 80 +10  
12 MichaelShaffer 88 7 81 +11  
13 Kim Fernandez 93 9 84 +14  
14 Marty Lambrechts 92 7 85 +15  
15 Mark Roberts  WD 7 WD WD  
  Flight 2 Gross Hdcp Net +/- Won
1 Kyle Hagen 78 11 67 -3 50.00
2 Sid Shimabuku 79 11 68 -2 40.00
3 Kenneth Boone 80 10 70 Even 30.00
4 Michael Duncan 85 13 72 +2 20.00
5 Peter Hutton 84 12 72 +2 10.00
6 James Abayon 87 13 74 +4  
7 Garrett Saunders 87 13 74 +4  
8 Frank Reyes 87 12 75 +5  
9 Scott Rehn 86 10 76 +6  
10 Gordon Blackstock 88 10 78 +8  
11 Rich Stratfull 93 10 83 +13  
12 Kevin O'Malley 96 12 84 +14  
13 David Jackson 99 14 85 +15  
14 Stephen Makishima 107 11 96 +26  
  Mike Mulhearn NS 12 NS NS  
  Flight 3 Gross Hdcp Net +/- Won
1 Steph Hildebrand 84 17 67 -3 50.00
2 David Stephenson 83 14 69 -1 40.00
3 Dave McNeilly 84 15 69 -1 30.00
4 Levi Fontaine 90 17 73 +3 20.00
5 Allen Miyake 88 14 74 +4 10.00
6 Chris Marchetti 91 15 76 +6  
7 Michael Bradley 90 14 76 +6  
8 Jason Herd 90 14 76 +6  
9 Alfred Bogenhuber 92 15 77 +7  
10 Frank O'Malley 94 17 77 +7  
11 Norm Utigard 94 15 79 +9  
12 Michael Woodall Jr 98 16 82 +12  
13 Bradley Thaute 96 14 82 +12  
14 Rawn  Huffman 101 15 86 +16  
  Flight 4 Gross Hdcp Net +/- Won
1 Thomas Santoro 98 30 68 -2 50.00
2 Cliff Vanover 87 17 70 Even 40.00
3 William Jarvis 97 25 72 +2 30.00
4 Christopher Irwin 92 19 73 +3 20.00
5 Doug Ota 92 19 73 +3 10.00
6 Lou Badet 95 19 76 +6  
7 Andrew Fracchia 94 17 77 +7  
8 Don Delbon 99 21 78 +8  
9 George Kellner 102 23 79 +9  
10 Kelly Ina 98 19 79 +9  
11 Emil Picchi Sr 98 17 81 +11  
12 Glen Rojas 102 20 82 +12  
13 Glenn Natenson 104 22 82 +12  
14 Robert Nikaido 105 20 85 +15  
15 Tom Mulkeen 112 20 92 +22  
16 Manny Casillas 120 21 99 +29  

Seven players beat Dana's score of 70 which earned them $42.85.  The $300 pot was put up by Dana, 

Twenty four players beat Jeremy's score of net 76 and will each receive $12.50.

Redwood General Tire closest to the Pin
#5 – Steve Makashima 14' 7"
#17 = Nick Fracchia 10"

Scott's Demo Long Drive
Rawn Huffman

Rules: Practice Swing + Divot = Penalty?

You're in the fairway and take a few practice swings, take a divot and the divot hits and moves your ball.

Is this a penalty?

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Per Rule 18-2A, it is a one stroke penalty if the divot hits your ball.  You will need to replace the ball at its original location.

This is what happened to Hudson Swafford on the tour back in 2013.  Who is Hudson Swafford?  He picked up his first PGA Tour win in 2017 at the CareerBuilder Challenge.

Here's the YouTube link:

And for pure irony, the same exact thing happened to Justin Rose the day before Swafford's incident.

Here's that YouTube link:


Happy New Year!

Greetings to the members of the Poplar Creek Golf Club,

The Poplar Creek Golf Club Board of Directors hope you and your families had a great holiday season and a Happy New Year.

The board and club members also wish to extend a special thank you to the staff of the golf pro shop and to the staff of the Poplar Creek Grill. A big shout out to Dana Banke and to Adam Light for their continued support.

The Poplar Creek Golf Men’s Golf Club prides itself in being more than just a golf club, as our members are well rounded and diverse. We are also community minded and charitable.

Special thanks to our members who generously contributed monies at our recent club holiday party that allowed us to provide over $2,300 as this year's donation to the San Mateo County Children’s Fund. This fund is dedicated to helping low-income families and foster children who reside within San Mateo County to maintain and improve their quality of life.


Poplar Creek Men’s Club
Mike Love, President
Levi Fontaine, Sergeant at Arms


Rules: New for 2017 – Accidental Bump on the Putting Green

You address the ball with your putter and accidentally bump the ball and it moves a few inches.  Penalty or no penalty?

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In 2016, yes.  In 2017, no.

Starting January 1, 2017, a Committee may adopt a Local Rule that modifies Rule 18-2 by providing that there is no penalty if a player accidentally causes his ball on the putting green to move. For consistency, this Local Rule also modifies Rule 18-3 to eliminate the similar penalty in match play when an opponent accidentally causes the player’s ball on the putting green to move.

Rule 18-2 provides for a one-stroke penalty if a player causes his ball in play to move, unless certain exceptions apply. Decision 18-2/0.5 explains that when it is uncertain what caused a ball to move, all relevant information must be considered and the weight of the evidence must be evaluated. If it is more likely than not that the player caused the ball to move, the player incurs a one-stroke penalty under Rule 18-2 and the ball must be replaced. Otherwise, the player incurs no penalty and the ball must be played as it lies unless some other Rule applies (e.g. Rule 18-1).

As a related issue, this Local Rule also modifies Rule 20-1 by providing that there is no penalty if a player or his opponent accidentally causes the player’s ball-marker on the putting green to move.

Read the full text along with a helpful video and examples.

If a Committee wishes to introduce such a Local Rule, the following wording is recommended:

Accidental Movement of a Ball on a Putting Green

Rules 18-2, 18-3 and 20-1 are modified as follows:

When a player’s ball lies on the putting green, there is no penalty if the ball or ball-marker is accidentally moved by the player, his partner, his opponent, or any of their caddies or equipment.

The moved ball or ball-marker must be replaced as provided in Rules 18-2, 18-3 and 20-1.

This Local Rule applies only when the player’s ball or ball-marker lies on the putting green and any movement is accidental.

Note: If it is determined that a player’s ball on the putting green was moved as a result of wind, water or some other natural cause such as the effects of gravity, the ball must be played as it lies from its new location. A ball-marker moved in such circumstances is replaced.
