Point Par Stableford (2015)

Point Par Stableford
Poplar Creek
Oct 4, 2014 (Sat)

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp. Points $ Won
1st  1st Scott Smith 34 6 40 50.00
  2nd Ken Boone 33 7 40 40.00
  3rd William Strahan 29 9 38 30.00
  4th Jonathan Gray 28 10 38 20.00
  5th Joseph Hovan  29 7 36 10.00
2nd  1st Allen Miyake 27 13 40 50.00
  2nd David Delbon 21 13 34 40.00
  3rd Bill Capote 22 12 34 30.00
  4th Jim Mccann 23 11 34 20.00
  5th Mike Woodall 21 13 34 10.00
3rd 1st Mike Eurkus 25 17 41 50.00
  2nd Richard Nessler 15 27 38 40.00
  3rd Henry Wrigley 18 21 37 30.00
  4th Cliff Vanover 22 15 36 20.00
  5th Dennis Reiser 20 17 35 10.00

Ties were broken using the USGA recommended back 9, 6, 3, etc.

Redwood General Tire Closest to the Pin
Hole #5 – Scott Smith 8’ ½”  
Hole #15 – Dennis Kunz 5’ 7”


Scoring Report
Rank Flight 1 Gross Hdcp Net +/-
1 Scott Smith 34 6 40 -4
2 Ken Boone 33 7 40 -4
3 William Strahan 29 9 38 -1
4 Jonathan Gray 28 10 38 -2
5 Joseph Hovan  29 7 36 +1
6 Bruce Lorin 30 6 36 Even
7 Bill Stevens 27 8 35 +1
8 Charlie Joseph 30 5 34 +3
9 Frank Cesarz 26 8 34 +2
10 Art White 25 9 34 +2
11 Dennis Kunz 27 6 33 +3
12 Scott Rehn 27 6 33 +3
13 Marty Lambrechts 24 8 32 +4
14 Roger Colvin 22 10 32 +4
15 Mike Borges 25 5 30 +6
16 David Butzman 24 5 29 +7
17 Fred Chiappe 20 7 25 +12
Rank Flight 2 Gross Hdcp Net +/-
1 Allen Miyake 27 13 40 -4
2 David Delbon 21 13 34 +2
3 Bill Capote 22 12 34 +2
4 Jim McCann 23 11 34 +2
5 Mike Woodall 21 13 34 +5
6 David Gluck 21 13 33 +3
7 Michael Bradley 23 11 33 +3
8 Dave McNeilly 21 13 33 +4
9 Stephen Hildebrand 19 13 31 +5
10 Michael Sevillia 21 14 31 +9
11 Levi Fontaine 16 15 31 +5
12 Jason Herd 17 13 30 +7
13 Felila Esikia 18 12 29 +7
14 Matt Cochran 19 11 29 +8
15 Sonasi Pomee 15 14 28 +10
16 Michael Woodall Jr 15 14 27 +13
17 Norm Utigard 15 13 27 +10
18 Randy Gubert 13 15 26 +16
Rank Flight 3 Gross Hdcp Net +/-
1 Mike Eurkus 25 17 41 -5
2 Richard Nessler 15 27 38 Even
3 Henry Wrigley 18 21 37 Even
4 Cliff Vanover 22 15 36 Even
5 Dennis Reiser 20 17 35 +1
6 Dan Sanchez 11 31 35 +1
7 Michael Pannetta 17 18 34 +2
8 Ken Gerstle 15 20 33 +3
9 Don Kristofferson 16 19 33 +4
10 Chuck Cochran 20 16 32 +5
11 Jack Purcell 16 19 32 +6
12 Lou Badet 17 16 31 +6
13 Nick Lucas Jr 12 22 31 +5
14 David Jasinsky 9 27 29 +9
15 Don Delbon 11 19 27 +9
16 Raymond Yoschak  12 15 23 +16
17 Peter Katsumis NS 21 NS NS



Recap coming soon.




Rooster Run (2015)

Rooster Run
Oct 18, 2014 (Sat)

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp. Net $ Won
1st  1st Dennis Kunz 76 7 69 50.00
  2nd Charlie Joseph 79 9 70 40.00
  3rd Marty Lambrechts 80 9 71 30.00
  4th Bill Stevens 83 9 74 20.00
2nd  1st Dave McNeilly 87 14 73 50.00
  2nd Sean Calibjo 88 15 73 40.00
  3rd David Delbon 88 14 74 30.00
  4th David Gluck 86 12 74 20.00
3rd  1st Levi Fontaine 84 16 68 50.00
  2nd Richard Nessler 102 29 73 40.00
  3rd Lou Badet 92 18 74 30.00
  4th Randy Gubert 91 17 74 20.00

Ties were broken using the USGA recommended procedure of back 9, back 6, back 3, net.

Scott’s Demo Long Drive
Michael Woodall Jr.

Thank you to Scott Rehn for donating the shirt and gift certificate.


Scoring Report
Rank Flight 1 Gross Hdcp Net +/-
1 Dennis Kunz 76 7 69 -3
2 Charlie Joseph 79 9 70 -2
3 Marty Lambrechts 80 9 71 -1
4 Bill Stevens 83 9 74 +2
5 Art White 84 9 75 +3
6 Dennis Andersen 84 7 77 +5
7 Brad Nelson 85 5 80 +8
8 Joseph Hovan  87 7 80 +8
9 Scott Rehn 87 6 81 +9
10 James Lambrechts 89 5 84 +12
Rank Flight 2 Gross Hdcp Net +/-
1 Dave McNeilly 87 14 73 +1
2 Sean Calibjo 88 15 73 +1
3 David Delbon 88 14 74 +2
4 David Gluck 86 12 74 +2
5 Frank O'Malley 89 14 75 +3
6 Michael Bradley 92 13 79 +7
7 Allen Miyake 90 10 80 +8
8 Mike Eurkus 98 16 82 +10
9 Jason Herd DQ DQ DQ DQ
10 Stephen Hildebrand NS 15 NS NS
Rank Flight 3 Gross Hdcp Net +/-
1 Levi Fontaine 84 16 68 -4
2 Richard Nessler 102 29 73 +1
3 Lou Badet 92 18 74 +2
4 Randy Gubert 91 17 74 +2
5 Dan Sanchez 110 34 76 +4
6 Jimmy Tragas 99 22 77 +5
7 Don Delbon 98 20 78 +6
8 Michael Woodall Jr 98 17 81 +9
9 Peter Katsumis 105 23 82 +10
10 Henry Wrigley DQ DQ DQ DQ

Rules: You cannot play your shot from this area

You found your ball.
Your ball is in bounds and not near the course boundaries.
Your ball is not in a hazard.
Your ball is not in a tree well.
Your ball is not in an animal hole.
Your ball is not anywhere near a cart path.
Your ball is not next to an obstruction of any kind.
Your ball is not in a chair or in the gallery.

Neither the tournament director or the golf course has deemed the area to be ground under repair.

You have a good, clean and dry lie – perhaps the best lie you'll get all day.

Yet you can't play your ball from this spot.


[toggle title_open=”Hide Answer” title_closed=”Show Answer” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default”]

How about the wrong putting green.

25-3/b. Wrong Putting Green

If a player’s ball lies on a wrong putting green, he must not play the ball as it lies. He must take relief, without penalty, as follows:

The player must lift the ball and drop it within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. The nearest point of relief must not be in a hazard or on a putting green. When dropping the ball within one club-length of the nearest point of relief, the ball must first strike a part of the course at a spot that avoids interference by the wrong putting green and is not in a hazard and not on a putting green. The ball may be cleaned when lifted under this Rule.

Penalty: 2 strokes

Seung-yul Noh did just that during the first round of the 2014 The Barclays (FedEx Playoffs).  He played a rather good shot off the green and was penalized two strokes.  Here's the YouTube video.


Website Maintenance & Changes

Our website will be undergoing some much needed maintenance over the next month or so.

The underlying code that runs much of the website needs to be updated to their current versions.  These updates are considered to be "major" in nature and will ultimately make it easier for the webmaster in maintaining the website going forward.

What does this mean to you?

You may notice from time to time that our website appears to be "broken" where things seem mis-aligned, text looks odd, information seems garbled, links don't work, etc.

Not to worry. This is an expected side-effect during this process.

Anything can happen when updates are applied – especially the major updates – but be assured that backups of the website have been made and can be called upon to correct any mishaps.  None of the data will be lost.

The updating process will be kept to a minimum as much as possible but you are forewarned.

Will you notice anything new when the updates are finished?  

Not likely but the result may be a small visual tweak here and there but for the most part, the website will look and feel the same.  

You may notice that the website looks different on the mobile phones and maybe even the tablets.  This is also an expected side-effect and is something that will be put into effect to accomodate those wanting to view the website on their phones.

Lastly, it may be decided that certain, least-used features be disabled to save space so don't be surprised if you see something missing.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop a message to the Webmaster on the Contact page.