Player Statistics

Stats are updated through [stats-recentevent] | Main Stats page

NEW  12/18/13 – The stats has a new column showing the points (Tournament Points System) assigned for each tournament.  It is located under a player's Season Summary.

NEW  11/30/13 – The stats has been reorganized into a new "bird's eye" view with a cleaner look and interactive features.

Stats Preview

Stats Preview 4

10/18/13 – The Player Statistics was put back into action after a year-long hiatus.  This custom-built application was put together by the PCGC Webmaster who hopes the members enjoy it as much as he enjoyed putting it together.


Rancho Solano (2014)

Rancho Solano, Fairfield
10/19/13 (Sat)

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp. Net $ Won
1st 1st William Strahan 78 11 67 60.00
  2nd Art White 84 12 72 50.00
  3rd Bill Stevens 80 8 72 40.00
  4th Sid Shimabuku 10 10 73 30.00
2nd 1st Dave Gluck 81 16 65 60.00
  2nd Allen Miyaki 79 13 66 50.00
  3rd Randy Metheany 82 13 69 40.00
  4th Manuel Marquez 86 13 73 30.00
3rd 1st Don Kristofferson 88 22 66 60.00
  2nd Don Delbon 91 18 73 50.00
  3rd Dennis Reiser 91 18 73 40.00
  4th Jason Herd 92 18 74 30.00

Ties were broken using the USGA recommended procedure of back 9, back6, back 3, net.

Redwood General Tire Closest to the Pin:
#5 – Kevin O’Malley, 7’ 2”
#15 – Henry Wrigley, 12’ 11”


Scoring Report
Flight 1
Rank Name Gross Hdcp Net +/-
1 William Strahan 78 11 67 -5
2 Art White 84 12 72 0
3 Bill Stevens 80 8 72 0
4 Sid Shimabuku 83 10 73 +1
5 Dave McNeilly 86 12 74 +2
6 Dennis Kunz 84 7 77 +5
7 Bill Capote 90 12 78 +6
8 Mike Woodall 90 12 78 +6
9 Michael Bradley 91 12 79 +7
10 Hisashi Takiguchi 91 11 80 +8
11 Mike Mulhearn 90 8 82 +10
12 Michael Woodall Jr 108 9 99 +27
Flight 2
Rank Name Gross Hdcp Net +/-
1 David Gluck 81 16 65 -7
2 Allen Miyake 79 13 66 -6
3 Randy Metheany 82 13 69 -3
4 Manuel Marquez 86 13 73 +1
5 Kevin O'Malley 88 13 75 +3
6 Levi Fontaine 91 15 76 +4
7 David Delbon 91 15 76 +4
8 Lou Badet 89 13 76 +4
9 Stephen Hildebrand 91 14 77 +5
10 Emil Picchi Sr 94 16 78 +6
11 John Masters 93 15 78 +6
12 Fred Ochoa 99 14 85 +13
Flight 3
Rank Name Gross Hdcp Net +/-
1 Don Kristofferson 88 22 66 -6
2 Don Delbon 91 18 73 +1
3 Dennis Reiser 91 18 73 +1
4 Jason Herd 92 18 74 +2
5 Ken Gerstle 96 22 74 +2
6 Henry Wrigley 98 21 77 +5
7 John Harris 99 20 79 +7
8 Peter Katsumis 103 23 80 +8
9 Manny Casillas 102 20 82 +10
10 Jeffrey Miller 85 NH 85 +13
T11 Bob Peek NC NH NC NC
  Tom Mulkeen DQ 21 DQ DQ



  • This is an individual stroke play tournament played at 100% course handicap.
  • Cost is $70.00 per player and that will include green-fee, cart and sweeps.
  • Sign-up with your pals and carpool.


Point Par Stableford (2014)

Point Par (Stableford)
10/5/13 (Sat)

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp Points $ Won
1st 1st Charlie Joseph 77 9 38 60.00
  2nd Mike Borges 75 7 38 50.00
  3rd Bruce Lorin 75 5 36 40.00
  4th Felila Esikia 80 9 35 30.00
  5th Ken Boone 79 8 35 20.00
2nd 1st Jonathan Gray 78 11 39 60.00
  2nd Dave McNeilly 80 12 38 50.00
  3rd Randy Metheany 81 13 38 40.00
  4th John Masters 84 14 36 30.00
  5th Scott Rehn 82 11 35 20.00
3rd 1st Michael Woodall Jr 79 16 42 60.00
  2nd Ken Gerstle 91 21 36 50.00
  3rd Michael Sevillia 85 15 36 40.00
  4th Henry Wrigley 91 20 35 30.00
  5th John Tragoutsis 88 17 35 20.00

Redwood General Tire Closest to the Pin:
Hole $5: no report turned in

Scoring Report
Flight 1
Rank Name Pts Hdcp Net +/-
1 Charlie Joseph 38 9 68 -2
2 Mike Borges 38 7 68 -2
3 Bruce Lorin 36 5 70 0
4 Felila Esikia 35 9 71 +1
5 Ken Boone 35 8 71 +1
6 Michael Bradley 35 11 73 +3
7 Bill Stevens 33 7 74 +4
8 Brian Su 33 2 73 +3
9 William Strahan 33 10 74 +4
10 Keith Schumacher 32 9 74 +4
11 Brad Nelson 31 4 75 +5
12 Bryan Ungaretti 31 3 75 +5
13 Dennis Kunz 31 6 75 +5
14 Frank Cesarz 31 10 75 +5
15 Andrew Freeman Jr 30 10 76 +6
16 Doug Canovas 28 9 78 +8
17 John Arnot 25 10 81 +11
18 Mark Roberts Jr. 25 10 82 +12
19 Fred Chiappe 24 8 84 +14
Flight 2
Rank Name Pts Hdcp Net +/-
1 Jonathan Gray 39 11 67 -3
2 Dave McNeilly 38 12 68 -2
3 Randy Metheany 38 13 68 -2
4 John Masters 36 14 70 0
5 Scott Rehn 35 11 71 +1
6 Lou Badet 34 12 72 +2
7 Mike Woodall 34 11 72 +2
8 Art White 32 12 75 +3
9 Jason Herd 32 15 74 +4
10 Allen Miyake 31 12 75 +5
11 Levi Fontaine 31 14 79 +9
12 Randy Gubert 31 12 75 +5
13 David Gluck 30 14 77 +7
14 Gordon Blackstock 30 12 78 +8
15 Stephen Hildebrand 29 13 79 +9
16 Garrett Saunders 28 14 78 +8
17 Steve Mendoza 28 14 78 +8
18 Michael Shaffer 25 11 81 +11
19 Bill Feeley 24 15 82 +12
Flight 3
Rank Name Pts Hdcp Net +/-
1 Michael Woodall Jr 43 16 63 -7
2 Ken Gerstle 36 21 70 0
3 Michael Sevillia 36 15 70 0
4 Henry Wrigley 35 20 71 +1
5 John Tragoutsis 35 17 71 +1
6 Sonasi Pomee 35 15 72 +2
7 Simon Spaizman 35 20 71 +1
8 Don Kristofferson 34 21 72 +2
9 Michael Pannetta 34 18 72 +2
10 Don Delbon 31 16 76 +6
11 Dan Sanchez 30 36 82 +12
12 Peter Katsumis 30 21 77 +7
13 Richard Nessler 28 28 82 +12
14 David Jasinsky 26 24 80 +10
15 Larry Wayne 26 25 82 +12
16 Jacob Levy 25 19 85 +15
17 Roy Jorgensen 24 20 82 +12
18 Ari Illeperuma 21 20 87 +17



  • This is an individual tournament played at 100% course handicap.
  • Cost is $60.00 and that includes green-fee and sweeps.


Tournament Points System – Feedback


Tournament Points System Feedback

Use this form to send the board your thoughts about the new system.