Beat the Pro (2013)

Beat the Pro
March 2, 2013 (Sat)
Poplar Creek

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp Net  $ Won
1st 1st Bruce Lorin 74 6 68 50.00
  2nd Ken Boone 76 7 69 40.00
  3rd Mike Mulhearn 76 7 69 30.00
  4th Bill Stevens 79 9 70 20.00
  5th Brian Su 75 3 72 10.00
2nd 1st Mike Bradley 79 12 67 50.00
  2nd Art White 81 10 71 40.00
  3rd Charlie Joseph 83 11 72 30.00
  4th Robert Griffiths 83 11 72 20.00
  5th German Soto 84 12 72 10.00
3rd 1st Randy Gubert 82 14 68 50.00
  2nd Joe Canepa 83 14 69 40.00
  3rd Levi Fontaine 83 13 70 30.00
  4th Andy Fracchia 85 13 72 20.00
  5th Dave McNeilly 87 14 73 10.00
4th 1st Jay Wilson 83 17 66 50.00
  2nd Emil Picchi 83 17 66 40.00
  3rd Steve Mendoza 85 15 70 30.00
  4th Mike Ryan 88 16 72 20.00
  5th Bob Schneider 89 15 74 10.00
5th 1st David Lagerloaf 88 18 70 50.00
  2nd Don Delbon 94 19 75 40.00
  3rd John Tragoutsis 83 18 75 30.00
  4th Jim Tragas 93 18 75 20.00
  5th Norm Utigard 94 18 76 10.00
6th 1st John Jurgens 90 21 69 50.00
  2nd Dave Jasinsky 96 26 72 40.00
  3rd Glen Natenson 93 20 73 30.00
  4th Manny Casillas 93 20 73 20.00
  5th Peter Katsumis 95 20 75 10.00

Dana's gross score of 69 plus his +2 handicap gave him a score of 71. Everyone whose net score  of 70 (13 players) beat Dana's gross score now has bragging rights.  Actually the only ones able to brag should be those that had a net score of 68!

Ties were broken using the USGA recommended back 9, back 6, back 3 etc.

Redwood General Tire Closest to the Pin:
Hole #5: Mike Woodall Jr., 9' 5"
Hole #17: Carlos Rodriguez,14' 1"

Scoring Report

Not yet available.


  • Individual tournament at 100% of course handicap.
  • This is your chance to Beat The “Pro”. Dana will be taking on all comers; his gross score vs your net.
  • Sign-up with your pals and try and get bragging rights.
  • Cost is $61.00 per player and that includes green-fee and sweeps.

Entries close February 18, 2013

Poplar Creek Challenge (2013)

Poplar Creek Challenge 2013

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[tab title=”Standings”]

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Poplar Creek Challenge – Final Results (pdf)

Poplar Creek Challenge thru 7/25/13 (pdf)

Poplar Creek Challenge thru 6/22/13 (pdf)


Final Results

Congratulations to Mike Eurkus for storming from behind in the last event to take the title!!

A lot of players improved their positions by playing well in the designated holes in the final event (Club Championship).


[tab title=”Payouts”]

1 Mike Eurkus 125.00
2 Michael Bradley 75.00
3 Levi Fontaine 65.00
4 Dennis Kunz 55.00
5 David Lagerloef 45.00
6 Charlie Joseph 35.00
7 Thomas Kmak 25.00
8 Randy Gubert 25.00
9 William Strahan 25.00
10 Bill Stevens 25.00

Total Payout: $500

Payable in Poplar Creek gift certificates.


[tab title=”What Changed from 2012″]

Changes between 2012 and 2013 2012 2013
Total Tournaments in the PCC 7 7
Home Tournaments 4 3
Home Tournaments You Must Play 1 1
Away Tournaments 3 4
Away Tournaments You Must Play 3 3
Prize Pool * $90 $500
Payout Spots 1 10

* The prize for 2012 was a free membership renewal for one player.  The prize pool for 2013 will be gift certificates for ten spots.


Home Tournaments

Nothing changed as far as the scoring is concerned.  Your best net score on the designated holes is the goal for the home tournaments.

Total of 9 designated holes.

Away Tournaments

Now this is where the scoring has changed.  Last year the scoring was your best net score on the designated holes.

This year, each away tournament will have a designated par 3, par 4 and par 5. 

Your score for the PCC will be your best 3-4-5 combo from three of the four away tournaments.


Example, if you play all four away events then this is a possible scenario based on your net scores:

Course Par 3 Par 4 Par 5 Total Eligible? Score
Las Positas 1 3 9 13 no 0
Alameda Clark 2 2 7 11 yes 11
Tilden Park 3 4 5 12 yes 12
Paradise Valley 3 4 4 11 yes 11
          Total 34

As you can see, you had a net hole-in-one at Las Positas but the tournament's 3-4-5 combo score of 13 does not count towards the PCC. That net hole-in-one may help you win your flight in the tournament but it will not be used for your scores in the PCC.

Your score for the away events is your THREE BEST 3-4-5 combo to come up to 9 holes to complement the 9 holes for the home tournaments.


[tab title=”Rules”]

Rules At-A-Glance

How to Enter Every player is automatically entered as long as they play the designated tournaments.
Designated Tournaments
(in order played)

Beat the Pro – 3/2/13
Los Positas – 3/30/13
Alameda Clark – 5/18/13
NCGA Net Amateur – 6/8/13
Tilden Park – 6/22/13
Paradise Valley – 7/20/13
Club Championship – 8/17-8/18/13

3 home
4 away

Designated Holes See the Rules Detail below
Total Tournaments 7
Total Rounds 8  (Club Championship is two rounds)
Total Holes 18
Minimum # tournaments to play to be eligible for the title


3 away tournaments + 1 home tournament


Net score per hole on the designated holes inclusive of any incurred penalties.

Best cumulative 18 hole scores will be the winner.

Ties will be determined by the standard back nine, back six, back three, etc.

Prize Pool

1st – $125
2nd – $75
3rd – $65
4th – $55
5th – $45
6th – $35
7th – $25
8th – $25
9th – $25
10th – $25

Total Payout: $500

Payable in Poplar Creek gift certificates.

Rules in Detail

  • The Poplar Creek Challenge ("PCC") will be held during SEVEN tournaments at designated holes in each tournament.
  • Home Tournaments at Poplar Creek – holes 1, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18
    • Beat the Pro
    • NCGA Net Amateur
    • Club Championship (both rounds)
  • Away Tournaments (each away event will include a par 3, par 4 and a par 5):
    • Los Positas – 4, 6, 16
    • Alameda “Clark” – 6, 8 16
    • Tilden Park – 4, 8, 10
    • Paradise Valley – 4, 11, 15
  • Qualifications
    • Initial Entry – The player does not need to do anything to enter into the PCC.  All players qualify as long as they play the minimum number of designated tournaments.
    • Away Tournaments – a player must compete in THREE of the four away tournaments to remain qualified during the PCC.  If the player does not play THREE designated away tournaments then they are out of the PCC.
    • Home Tournaments – a player needs to compete in only ONE of the home events to remain qualified during the PCC.  If the player plays only ONE home event then they will qualify for the PCC but they get only ONE shot at making your best score on a designated hole.  Thus, the more home events the players plays the better the odds.
    • Eighteen Holes – players must play all 18 PCC holes throughout the season to compete for the Poplar Creek Challenge title.
  • Minimum Tournaments
    • The player must play a minimum of FOUR tournaments to qualify for the PCC – THREE away tournaments and ONE home tournament.  A player’s odds are improved by playing more home tournaments.
    • If a player does not play the minimum tournaments or all 18 holes required then they are out of the PCC regardless of their current standing in the PCC, accrued score or subsequent participation and scoring.
  • Net Scoring
    • A player’s lowest net score on the PCC holes, made during an official, designated competition round, will be recorded.
    • A player’s best 18 PCC holes will make up their PCC score. The player with the lowest cumulative net score wins the title.
  • Penalties
    • Penalties assessed on their respective holes will count towards a player’s net score during the PCC just as they do during the tournament itself.
    • If a player is DQ’d from a tournament, then the holes played during that tournament will not be considered during the PCC.  The player will remain qualified for the PCC if they meet the minimum FOUR tournaments defined above.
  • Ties & Disputes
    • In determining the champion at the end of the PCC, all ties will be handled in our normal fashion using the USGA recommended method of back 9, back 6, back 3, etc.
    • Scoring disputes during the PCC will be handled by the Tournament Committee appointed by the PCGC Board at the beginning of the tournament season.


[tab title=”Misc Info”]

Number of Tournaments Equals How Many Rounds

The number of rounds played over all SEVEN designated tournaments is eight (3 away + 5 home) because the Club Championship is played over two rounds.

Play More to Increase Your Odds

Even though a players needs to play only THREE away tournaments and ONE home tournament to qualify, their odds of getting a best score are increased by playing more of the home tournaments.

For example, if the players plays…

  • only Beat the Pro then they have ONE chance to make their best score on hole #18 (a designated hole).
  • only the Club Championship then they have TWO chances on #18 because the tournament is two rounds.
  • all three of the home tournaments, then they will have FOUR chances on #18.

The more you play, the better your odds.

  • The minimum number of tournaments to qualify is FOUR.
  • Four tournaments = 18 designated holes being played
  • The player has 18 chances of scoring a best score.

However, if the player plays in all SEVEN of the tournaments then the number of designated holes played is 54 (12 away holes, 36 home holes).

54 chances vs 18 chances = better odds

Don't Get DQ'd

If a player gets disqualified from a tournament, the holes they played during that tournament will be omitted for inclusion in the season-long tabulations.

This includes the Club Championship.  If the player completes the first round and is disqualified for an infraction in the second round, then the player is disqualified from the entire tournament meaning BOTH of their rounds are omitted for inclusion in the season-long tabulations.

Don't Get Penalized Either

A player's net score for the designated holes will be the official tournament score for that hole – including penalties.

Now here's where it may sting a little.

There are certain penalties that get tacked on outside of the actual play.

  • Showing up late – the new rule for 2012 for showing five minutes late to a starting time is two strokes assessed on the FIRST hole.  Hole #1 happens to be a designated hole for the home tournaments.
  • Pace of Play Policy – The pace of play penalty at Poplar Creek can be either one or two strokes depending on the total time a foursome plays the round or how far back the foursome finishes behind the group in front (see the Pace of Play Policy).  This penalty is assessed on the EIGHTEENTH hole at Poplar Creek which is again, a designated hole.


[tab title=”FAQs”]

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What changed between 2012 and 2013?
A. Please see the tab above, "What changed from 2012" regarding changes.

Q. Why did the format change from 2012?
A. We wanted to add a little flair to the format as well as encourage participation in the away tournaments.

Q. I was disqualifed early in 2012's PCC because I missed just one away tournament. Is that the same for 2013?
A. Good news is no, it is not the same. We saw how quickly a number of members lost eligibility because they could not play the first away tournament. This year, a player can miss an away event and not lose their eligibility. However, keep in mind you can miss only one of the designated away tournaments.  You have to play in three of the four designated tournaments.

Q. How do I enter the Poplar Creek Challenge?
A. You don't need to do anything.  You are automatically entered into the PCC if you play the designated tournaments.

Q. Do I need to play in all SEVEN of the designated tournaments?
A. No.  The minimum is THREE of the four away tournaments and ONE home tournament for a total of FOUR tournaments.  Playing in all SEVEN tournaments is not required but it will increase your odds of getting a best score.

Q. I can't play one of the designated AWAY tournaments.  Can I play holes in a different away tournament?
A. Sorry.  You cannot designate a different tournament.  However, the good news is that you need to play just THREE of the four away tournaments so you are not out of the PCC if you miss an away event.

Q. I can't play one of the designated HOME tournaments.  Can I play holes in a different home tournament?
A. Sorry, you can't switch to a different tournament.  The good news is that missing a home tournament does not put you out of the PCC.  There are THREE home tournaments that you can play in.  You can play in one, two or three of the home tournaments.  Obviously, the more you play at home, the better your odds.

Q. How will the prize payouts be paid?
A. Gift Certificates for the Poplar Creek Golf Course.

Q. Does the value of the gift certificates count towards the Gilliam Points?
A. No.

Q. The Gilliam Points is a season-long points race.  The PCC is also a season-long race.  Does the winner of the PCC get free entry into the TOC?
A. No.

Q. Last season, the Turkey Shoot was one of the designated tournaments but is not this time.  What happened?
A. Although we prefer to hold the PCC throughout the year, we felt that having the PCC end in the competitive part of the season would make it more competitive with the Gilliam Points, Poplar Creek Challenge and entry into the TOC all happening at the same time. Plus, we wanted the PCC winners to be determined at one of the club's "majors" which in our case is the Club Championship.

Q. This format sounds vaguely familiar.
A. You may remember the Kodak Challenge played on the PGA Tour which had a similar format and the winner received a cool $1 million.  Sadly, the Kodak Challenge ended its run in 2011.


[tab title=”About the PCC”]

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The Poplar Creek Challenge (aka "PCC") was started in 2012 as a season-long race to encourage players to perform their best on certain holes throughout various tournaments.

The Poplar Creek Challenge is held over seven designated tournaments throughout the year with certain holes in each tournament played as the "PCC" holes.  The challenge is for the player to score their best (net) score on these holes for a season-long scorecard of eighteen holes.

The player with the best cumulative score is the Champion.




This page's content has been streamlined into tabs to shorten the length of the page.

Inclement Weather Policy

Q. Will we play if it rains on tournament day?

A. We will play golf during the rain unless the pro shop closes the course. It is not up to our Tournament Director to make that decision.

Be prepared to play if you signed up even if there is a chance of rain. If the tee times have been posted you are considered to be in the tournament and will owe all fees unless you have a replacement or the Tournament Director has a standby list to fill your spot.

If you are a no show and the course remains open you will owe the tournament fee even if you did not play.

NCGA 2-Man Best Ball (2013)

NCGA 2-Man Best Ball
February 2, 2013 (Sat)
Poplar Creek

Flight Place Player Net $ Won Each
1st 1st Bruce Lorin / Mark Roberts 66 55.00
  2nd Frank Cesarz / Jonathan Gray 66 40.00
  3rd Brad Nelson / Ross Madigan 66 30.00
2nd 1st Dennis Kunz / Dave Gluck * 62 55.00
  2nd Jim McCann / Eric Johnson 68 40.00
  3rd Mike Shaffer / Randy Gubert 68 30.00
3rd 1st Charlie Joseph / Mike Eurkus * 64 55.00
  2nd Mike Woodall / Mike Woodall Jr. * 66 40.00
  3rd Sean Calibjo / Dan Stritmatter 67 30.00

* Qualified for Sectional Qualifying on May 23, 2013

Ties were broken using back 9, back 6 etc.


Scoring Report
Rank First Flight Net
1 Team 29 66
  Bruce Lorin 80
  Mark Roberts 77
2 Team 34 66
  Frank Cesarz 74
  Jonathan Gray 71
3 Team 16 67
  Brad Nelson 71
  Ross Madigan 76
4 Team 23 68
  Gordon Blackstock 78
  Thomas Kmak 74
5 Team 1 68
  Dave McNeilly 72
  Bill Stevens 78
6 Team 8 69
  Brian Su 76
  Felila Esikia 84
7 Team 27 69
  William Strahan 77
  German Soto 79
8 Team 37 69
  Steve Humeny 74
  Mike Cullinane 75
9 Team 13 70
  Ken Boone 74
  Mike Borges 77
10 Team 2 71
  Michael Bradley 79
  Scott Smith 75
11 Team 9 71
  Bryan Ungaretti 80
  Gary Desantis 86
12 Team 33 72
  Keith Gonsalves 86
  Steven Desantis 78
13 Team 24 72
  Raymond Yoschak Jr. 84
  Dennis Andersen 75
Rank Second Flight Net
1 Team 26 62
  Dennis Kunz 75
  David Gluck 74
2 Team 36 68
  Jim McCann 75
  Eric Johnson 77
3 Team 38 68
  Michael Shaffer 72
  Randy Gubert 76
4 Team 19 68
  Bill Capote 70
  Stephen Hildebrand 80
5 Team 18 68
  Anthony Sylvestri 73
  Bill Feeley 79
6 Team 22 69
  Bradley Thaute 74
  Robert Griffiths 76
7 Team 32 69
  Jerry Jackson 84
  James Lutz 74
8 Team 10 69
  Timothy Andersen 77
  Marco Giuliacci 79
9 Team 4 70
  Levi Fontaine 78
  Geoffrey Kuchlenz 81
10 Team 7 71
  Allen Miyake 78
  Scott Rehn 79
11 Team 6 71
  Emil Picchi Sr 79
  Larry O'Sullivan 78
12 Team 20 72
  Stephen Makishima 81
  Takeo Makishima 87
13 Team 30 74
  William Esposto 87
  Darrell McCool 84
Rank Third Flight Net
1 Team 5 64
  Charlie Joseph 79
  Mike Eurkus 76
2 Team 35 66
  Mike Woodall 77
  Michael Woodall Jr 78
3 Team 11 67
  Sean Calibjo 75
  Daniel Stritmatter 78
4 Team 14 67
  Art Klein 76
  Eric Norlander 72
5 Team 3 68
  Scott Punkar 77
  Frank Ricci 74
6 Team 21 68
  Ken Gerstle 77
  Dennis Reiser 76
7 Team 12 70
  Simon Spaizman 79
  Dan Sanchez 79
8 Team 15 71
  Scott Deppiesse 84
  Michael Sevillia 82
9 Team 25 72
  Joseph Canepa 79
  Dave Baltor 77
10 Team 17 72
  John Jurgens 83
  David Wright 80
11 Team 31 73
  David Delbon 80
  Don Delbon 86
12 Team 28 76
  Henry Wrigley 90
  Jason Herd 79



  • 90% of course handicap
  • 8 stroke differential rule is in affect along with the 18.4 rule.
  • You may sign-up as a foursome but will be split into two tee times.
  • Cost is $65.00 per player and includes green-fee, food/drink certificate and sweeps.