Santa Clara (2011)

Santa Clara GC
April 23, 2011 (Sat)

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp. Net $ Won
1st 1st Bill Stevens 77 7 70 $60.00
  2nd Tony Hobson 81 10 71 $50.00
  3rd Mike Mulhearn 80 7 73 $40.00
  4th Bill Strahan 82 9 73 $30.00
  5th Dennis Kunz 84 11 73 $20.00
2nd 1st Dennis Reiser 86 16 70 $60.00
  2nd Steve Hildebrand 84 13 71 $50.00
  3rd John Masters 86 15 71 $40.00
  4th Mike Woodall Jr. 87 15 72 $30.00
  5th Jason Herd 86 14 72 $20.00
3rd 1st Takeo Makishima 89 21 68 $60.00
  2nd Manny Casillas 88 19 69 $50.00
  3rd Doug Ota 88 18 70 $40.00
  4th Steven Loftus 102 31 71 $30.00
  5th Steve Howlett 92 19 73 $20.00

Closest to the pins:

Hole #8: Steve Hildebrand 4' 1/4"
Hole #17: Dennis Reiser 9'8", Al Miyake 10'

We thank Redwood General Tire, Dennis Reiser and Ken Gerstle for the 2 $25.00 gift certificates.

All gift certificates are for Poplar Creek.     
Ties were broken using the USGA recommended back 9, back 6, etc.     

Scoring Report
Name Gross Hdcp Net
Takeo Makishima 89 21 68
Manny Casillas 88 19 69
Bill Stevens 77 7 70
Dennis Reiser 86 16 70
Doug Ota 88 18 70
John Masters 86 15 71
Stephen Hildebrand 84 13 71
Steven Loftus 102 31 71
Tony Hobson 81 10 71
Jason Herd 86 14 72
Mike Woodall Jr 87 15 72
Dennis Kunz 84 11 73
Geoffrey Kuchlenz 89 16 73
Howard Paul 86 13 73
Mike Mulhearn 80 7 73
Steve Howlett 92 19 73
William Strahan 82 9 73
Daniel Stritmatter 91 17 74
John Jurgens 97 23 74
Cosmic Singh 85 10 75
Emil Picchi Sr 93 18 75
Larry O'Sullivan 86 11 75
Lou Badet 91 16 75
Randy Metheany 87 12 75
Dave McNeilly 88 12 76
Edward Joseph 84 8 76
Mike Eurkus 89 13 76
Ronald Rice 85 9 76
Gordon Blackstock 87 10 77
Steven Lindholm 88 11 77
Don Delbon 95 17 78
Fred Ochoa 89 11 78
Michael Bradley 92 14 78
Rich Nedwick 96 18 78
Bill Capote 92 13 79
David Delbon 91 12 79
Ken Gerstle 97 18 79
Allen Miyake 92 12 80
Robert Nikaido 100 20 80
Joseph Canepa 97 15 82
Randy Gubert 100 17 83
John Arnot 94 10 84
Tim Loftus 110 26 84
Richard Nessler 112 27 85
Dave Baltor 102 16 86
Gary White (guest) 96 0 96
Andy Vandeveld (guest) 119 0 119
Mike Woodall NS 14 NS 


Tournaments of Champions (TOC)

Our season-ending tournament is the Tournament of Champions, better known as the “TOC” and is held usually in September.

How can you play in the TOC?

1) You can qualify by either:

  • Winning your flight during a season tournament
  • Be one of the top 5 spots on the Gilliam Points at the end of the season who have not won a tournament. A non-winner can qualify for the TOC up until the tournament just before the TOC.  An indicator of a non-winner is to look at the Gilliam Points for the top 5 players who don’t have “TOC” next to their names.

Either qualification allows you to play the TOC at a reduced rate.  Note that you are not automatically entered into the TOC – you still have to sign up to play.

2) If you have not otherwise qualified…

  • You may be able to play in the tournament if there are spots available.
  • The entry fee will be at the full course rate.
  • You will not be crowned the TOC Champion even if you come in with low net.
  • You are eligible to win and/or cash in your flight.


Winner During
Top 5 non-winner on Gilliam Points Not
Can Play? yes yes yes
Entry Fee reduced rate reduced rate full course rate
Eligible to win/cash in flight? yes yes yes
Eligible as TOC Champion? yes yes no


Misc notes…

  • The low net score for all flights combined during the TOC will be crowned the TOC Champion and will have their name engraved on the perpetual plaque displayed at Poplar Creek (near the posting computer).  The champ will also get free entry into the following year’s TOC.
  • Prize money earned during the TOC is not reflected in the Gilliam Points in either the current or next season.

Rules: Match Play – Putt out of Order

In Match Play, Player A’s ball is on Player B’s line of putt.  Player B requests Player A to lift his ball under Rule 22-2. Instead of complying with the request, Player A putts out of turn.

Does Player A lose the hole for a breach of Rule 22-2 or does Rule 10-1c apply, in which case there would be no penalty but Player B would have the right to require Player A to replay the stroke in correct order?

[toggle title_open=”Hide Answer” title_closed=”Show Answer” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default”]

If Player A wants to be unsportmanlike and putt out of turn, he can do so without penalty.  However, in Match Play, Player B can ask Player A to mark and replay the putt.

Rule 22-2 – Except when a ball is in motion, if a player considers that the ball of another player might interfere with his play, he may have it lifted.  Except on the putting green, a player may not lift his ball solely because he considers that it might interfere with the play of another player. If a player lifts his ball without being asked to do so, he loses the hole in Match Play (two stroke penalty in stroke play).

Rule 10-1c – Playing Out of Turn – If a player plays when his opponent should have played, there is no penalty, but the opponent may immediately require the player to cancel the stroke so made and, in correct order, play a ball as nearly as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played.


Rules: One club or two, what to do?

How do you know when to take one or two club lengths as part of your relief? 

Careful, you will be penalized two strokes if you drop incorrectly.

[toggle title_open=”Hide Answer” title_closed=”Show Answer” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default”]One club for non-penalty situations where you are given free relief such as relief from a staked tree.

Two clubs for penalty situations such as dropping from a water hazard.


1 club = relief (no-penalty) situation
2 clubs = penalty situation[/toggle]