What are the Gilliam Points?

The Gilliam Points is named in memory of Walt Gilliam who was the first player to play both of Poplar's old and new courses.  Walt was a local guy and was a very good amateur golfer in his time including winning the SF City Golf Championship (1965) and runner up in the California State Amateur (1939, 1954).

Historically, the club started the points list as a means to get members into the TOC (Tournament of Champions) who have not normally qualified by winning a flight during the season.  But over time, the points system was changed to its current format of being a simple money list.

The Gilliam Points is essentially the amount of money you have won during the season.  There is no conversion rate.  One dollar equals one point.


2-Man Scramble (2011)

2-Man Scramble
Poplar Creek
January 8, 2011


Flight Place Team Gross Hdcp. Net $ Won Each
1st 1st Dr. Owen Doyle – Chris Young 67 6 61 $55.00
  2nd Scott Rehn – Wayne Lenz 68 6 62 $40.00
  3rd Andrew Fracchia – Jim Lambrechts 70 6 64 $30.00
2nd 1st Al Miyake – Sid Shimabuku 65 8 57 $55.00
  2nd Dave Gluck – Gordon Blackstock 68 9 59 $40.00
  3rd Tim Wetteland – Pat Wetteland 69 9 60 $30.00
3rd 1st Bill Capote – Steve Hildebrand 69 10 59 $55.00
  2nd Doug Ota – Steven Lindholm 75 12 63 $40.00
  3rd Rich Nedwick – Dennis Kunz 75 11 64 $30.00
4th 1st Rich Nessler – Randy Gubert 79 18 61 $55.00
  2nd Carlos Rodriguez – Mike Woodall Jr. 78 14 64 $40.00
  3rd Tim Loftus – Don Vesey 82 16 66 $30.00

Closest to the Pin:

#15 – 6’2” Bill Feeley
#17 – 9’5” Sid Shimabuku

Both won a $25.00 gift certificate good at Redwood General Tire compliments of Ken Gerstle and Dennis Reiser.

2 foursomes were penalized 2 strokes each for slow play.  They finished 19 and 28 minutes behind the groups in front of them.

Ties were broken using the USGA recommended procedure of back 9, back 6, back 3, congratulations to all winners.


Scoring Report
Flight 1 Net Scores  . Flight 2 Net Scores 
Rank   + / – Net   Rank   + / – Net
1 Team 16 -9 61   1 Team 29 -13 57
  Dr Owen Doyle         Allen Miyake    
  Chris Young         Sid Shimabuku    
2 Team 30 -8 62   2 Team 12 -11 59
  Scott Rehn         Dave Gluck    
  Wayne Lenz         Gordon Blackstock    
3 Team 20 -6 64   3 Team 23 -10 60
  Andrew Fracchia         Timothy Wetteland    
  James A Lambrechts         Patrick Wetteland    
4 Team 27 -6 64   4 Team 21 -8 62
  Glenn Natenson         Jerry Jackson    
  Thomas Kmak         James Lutz    
5 Team 4 -5 65   5 Team 26 -8 62
  Scott Smith         Levi Fontaine    
  Mike Mulhearn         Charlie Joseph    
6 Team 24 -4 66   6 Team 2 -8 62
  Roger Foge         Dave Mcneilly    
  Bruce Lorin         Bill Stevens    
7 Team 3 -4 66   7 Team 8 -7 63
  Dennis Andersen         Raymond Yoschak Jr.    
  Timothy Andersen         Jonathan Gray    
8 Team 15 -4 66   8 Team 11 -7 63
  John Shields III         German Soto    
  Brian Su         William Strahan    
9 Team 32 -3 67   9 Team 10 -4 66
  Bradley Thaute         Howard Paul    
  Charles Crain         John Arnot    
10 Team 7 -2 68          
  Frank Cesarz              
  Keith Schumacher              
Flight 3 Net Scores    Flight 4 Net Scores 
Rank   + / – Net   Rank   + / – Net
1 Team 33 -11 59   1 Team 18 -11 59
  Bill Capote         Richard Nessler    
  Stephen Hildebrand         Randy Gubert    
2 Team 38 -7 63   2 Team 19 -8 62
  Doug Ota         Carlos Rodriguez    
  Steven Lindholm         Michael Woodall Jr    
3 Team 37 -6 64   3 Team 17 -4 66
  Rich Nedwick         Tim Loftus    
  Dennis Kunz         Donald Vesey    
4 Team 25 -4 66   4 Team 35 -4 66
  Geoffrey Kuchlenz         Larry Funk    
  Cosmic Singh         Michael Pannetta    
5 Team 14 -4 66   5 Team 34 -3 67
  Glenn Kim         Ken Gerstle    
  Stephen Makishima         Dennis Reiser    
6 Team 36 -3 67   6 Team 5 -3 67
  Bob Kaczor         John Jurgens    
  Phil Nassar         Bob Schneider    
7 Team 31 -2 68   7 Team 13 -2 68
  Don Delbon         George Kellner    
  David Delbon         Takeo Makishima    
8 Team 1 -2 68   8 Team 6 -2 68
  Lou Badet         Stephan Brmalj    
  Bill Feeley         Nick Lucas Jr    
9 Team 9 -1 69   9 Team 28 +2 72
  Emil Picchi Sr         Thomas Santoro    
  Larry O'Sullivan         Peter Katsumis    
10 Team 22 Even 70          
  Frank Parcell              
  Art Klein     .         


Rules: Both players are penalized. Possible?

Is it possible to penalize both Player A and Player B on the same shot?

Can you think of a situation where this is possible?

 It can happen during a situation where Player A asks for advice and Player B answers.

If Player A asks – they are penalized 2 strokes.
If Player B answers – they are also penalized 2 strokes.

Here's a twist. According to Decision 8-1/25: In singles match play, if Player A asks for advice from Player B, it is irrelevant whether Player B gives advice because Player A lost the hole as soon as he asked.

Santa Ball (2011)

Santa Ball
Poplar Creek
December 18, 2010 

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp. Net $ Won
Team 1st Smith, McNeilly, Woodall Jr., Casillas     124 $40.00 ea
  2nd Cesarz, Wetteland, Stritmatter, Love     125 $30.00 ea
1st 1st Pat Wetteland 73 9 64 $60.00
  2nd Wayne Lenz 72 7 65 $50.00
  3rd Bill Stevens 73 5 68 $40.00
  4th Scott Smith 76 6 70 $30.00
  5th Frank Cesarz 78 8 70 $20.00
2nd 1st Dave McNeilly 78 12 66 $60.00
  2nd David Delbon 82 13 69 $50.00
  3rd Tony Hobson 81 10 71 $40.00
  4th Levi Fontaine 85 13 72 $30.00
  5th Bradley Thaute 83 11 72 $20.00
3rd 1st Randy Gubert 89 18 71 $60.00
  2nd Don Kristofferson 91 20 71 $50.00
  3rd Manny Casillas 93 21 72 $40.00
  4th Steven Loftus 100 28 72 $30.00
  5th Peter Katsumis 95 20 75 $20.00

 Ties were broken using the USGA recommended back 9, back 6, back 3 etc.


Scoring Report
  Flight 1      
Rank Name Gross Hdcp Net
1 Patrick Wetteland 73 9 64
2 Wayne Lenz 72 7 65
3 Bill Stevens 73 5 68
4 Scott Smith 76 6 70
5 Frank Cesarz 78 8 70
6 Matt Olson 74 4 70
7 Brad Nelson 76 5 71
8 Ross Madigan 79 8 71
9 Roger Colvin 79 8 71
10 German Soto 82 10 72
11 Gordon Blackstock 82 8 74
12 Steven Desantis 81 6 75
13 Ronald Rice 82 7 75
14 Mike Borges 83 7 76
15 Bruce Lorin 84 6 78
16 Dennis Kunz 95 10 85
  Flight 2      
Rank Name Gross Hdcp Net
1 Dave McNeilly 78 12 66
2 David Delbon 82 13 69
3 Tony Hobson 81 10 71
4 Levi Fontaine 85 13 72
5 Bradley Thaute 83 11 72
6 Dave Gluck 86 14 72
7 Howard Paul 86 14 72
8 Allen Miyake 88 13 75
9 Larry O'Sullivan 87 11 76
10 Geoffrey Kuchlenz 91 14 77
11 Michael Woodall Jr 92 15 77
12 Donald Vesey 96 15 81
13 Bill Feeley 93 11 82
14 Michael Patterson 96 13 83
15 Dave Baltor 114 15 99
16 Randy Metheany NS 12 NS
  Flight 3      
Rank Name Gross Hdcp Net
1 Randy Gubert 89 18 71
2 Don Kristofferson 91 20 71
3 Manny Casillas 93 21 72
4 Steven Loftus 100 28 72
5 Peter Katsumis 95 20 75
6 Don Delbon 93 17 76
7 Nick Lucas Jr 94 18 76
8 Mike Love 95 19 76
9 Daniel Stritmatter 94 17 77
10 Lou Badet 94 16 78
11 David Jasinsky 104 22 82
12 Michael Toomey 106 24 82
13 Dennis Ryan 103 20 83
14 John Jurgens 103 20 83
15 Tim Loftus 109 24 85
16 Stephan Brmalj 114 20 94