Rules: Hitting a Flagstick

Generally, the player's ball must not strike the flagstick when removed from the hole (Rule 17-3).

What is the ruling in the following situations:

(a) A player putts too strongly and his ball strikes the flagstick which has been removed by someone in his match or group and placed on the ground behind the hole.

(b) A player plays his second shot to the green and the ball strikes the flagstick, which had been blown down by the wind and was lying on the ground.

(c) A player, not believing he can reach the green which is occupied by the match or group ahead of him, plays his second shot at a par-5 hole and the ball rolls onto the green and strikes the flagstick which has been removed from the hole and placed on the ground by someone in the match or group ahead.

 (a) The player incurs a penalty of loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play under Rule 17-3a and the ball must be played as it lies.

(b) and (c) No penalty is incurred. Rule 17-3a is not applicable in either case. It applies only when the flagstick has been removed with the player's authority or prior knowledge by someone in the player's match or group.

17-3. Ball Striking Flagstick or Attendant

The player's ball must not strike:

  • The flagstick when it is attended, removed or held up; 
  • The person attending or holding up the flagstick or anything carried by him; or 
  • The flagstick in the hole, unattended, when the stroke has been made on the putting green.

Exception: When the flagstick is attended, removed or held up without the player's authority


Alameda “Fry” (2010)

Alameda "Fry"
July 10, 2010

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp. Net $ Won
1st 1st Bill Stevens 73 7 66 *60.00
  2nd Levi Fontaine 79 11 68 50.00
  3rd Steve Makishima 77 10 69 40.00
  4th Mike Mulhearn 76 7 69 30.00
2nd 1st Bill Feeley 82 12 70 *60.00
  2nd Dave McNeilly 84 14 70 50.00
  3rd Geoff Kuchlenz 86 15 71 40.00
  4th Jack Seibel 84 12 72 30.00
3rd 1st Randy Gubert 86 20 66 *60.00
  2nd Glenn Kim 95 24 71 50.00
  3rd Mike Eurkus 90 19 71 40.00
  4th Tom Santoro 99 27 72 30.00

* Gift Certificates to be spent at Alameda
Ties were broken using the USGA recommended procedure of back 9, back 6, back 3, net.


Scoring Report
Player Name Rank Hdcp Gross Score
Gubert, Mr Randy T1 20 86 66
Stevens, Bill T1 7 73 66
Fontaine, Levi 3 11 79 68
Makishima, Stephen T4 10 79 69
Mulhearn, Mike T4 7 76 69
Feeley, Bill T6 12 82 70
Kmak, Thomas T6 4 74 70
McNeilly, Dave T6 14 84 70
Eurkus, Mike T9 19 90 71
Kim, Glenn T9 24 95 71
Kuchlenz, Geoffrey T9 15 86 71
Santoro, Thomas T12 27 99 72
Seibel, Jack T12 12 84 72
Ina, Kelly T14 19 92 73
Nessler, Mr Richard J T14 29 102 73
Rice, R Ronald T14 9 82 73
Canepa, Joseph T17 12 86 74
Tragas, Jimmy T17 18 92 74
Wetteland, Patrick T17 8 82 74
Baltor, Dave T20 16 91 75
Joseph, Charlie T20 9 84 75
Katsumis, Peter T20 21 96 75
Metheany, Randy T20 13 88 75
Gluck, Dave 24 12 88 76
Blackstock, Gordon T25 9 86 77
Kellner, George T25 21 98 77
Natenson, Glenn T25 17 94 77
Singh, Cosmic T25 8 85 77
Strahan, William T25 7 84 77
Picchi, Emil Sr 30 19 97 78
Badet, Lou T31 15 94 79
Bradley, Michael T31 14 93 79
Paul, Howard D T31 13 92 79
Masters, John 34 16 96 80
Jasinsky, David J 35 24 106 82
Marchetti, Chris 36 11 NS NS

5 Clubs (2010)

5 Clubs
Poplar Creek
July 9, 2010

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp. Net $ Won
1st 1st Bill Stevens 71 6 65 60.00
  2nd Charlie Joseph 78 9 69 50.00
  3rd John Arnot 80 9 71 40.00
  4th Kevin O’Malley 82 11 71 30.00
2nd 1st Dave McNeilly 81 14 67 60.00
  2nd John Masters 82 15 67 50.00
  3rd Bill Feeley 80 12 68 40.00
  4th Jack Seibel 81 12 69 30.00
3rd 1st Kevin Germano 87 18 69 60.00
  2nd Don Kristofferson 89 20 69 50.00
  3rd Dan Stritmatter 88 18 70 40.00
  4th Steve Howlett 90 20 70 30.00


Scoring Report
Player Name Rank Hdcp Gross Score
Stevens, Bill 1 6 71 65
Masters, John T2 15 82 67
McNeilly, Dave T2 14 81 67
Bianucci, Jeremy T4 0 68 68
Feeley, Bill T4 12 80 68
Germano, Kevin T6 18 87 69
Joseph, Charlie T6 9 78 69
Kristofferson, Don T6 20 89 69
Seibel, Jack T6 12 81 69
Howlett, Steve T10 20 90 70
Metheany, Randy T10 13 83 70
Stritmatter, Daniel T10 18 88 70
Arnot, John P T13 9 80 71
Eurkus, Mike T13 18 89 71
O'Malley, Kevin T13 11 82 71
Nedwick, Rich T16 15 87 72
Su, Brian T16 3 75 72
Vaught, Jim T16 22 94 72
Wetteland, Patrick 19 8 81 73
Katsumis, Peter 20 20 94 74
Jurgens, John 21 19 94 75
Badet, Lou T22 15 91 76
Cesarz, Frank T22 9 85 76
Lindholm, Steven T22 13 89 76
Strahan, William T22 7 83 76
Woodall, Michael Jr T22 15 91 76
Yoschak, Raymond Jr. T22 12 88 76
Brmalj, Stephan B 28 26 103 77
Punkar, Scott 29 15 93 78
Mulkeen, Tom 30 20 99 79
Andersen, James 31 16 96 80
Gluck, Dave T32 11 92 81
Hildebrand, Steve T32 11 92 81
Toomey, Michael J 34 25 107 82
Armand, Alfred T35 16 NS NS
Bunch, Curtis Jr. T35 23 NS NS
Lenz, Wayne T35 6 NS NS


Rules: Player Misses the Ball on Purpose

Players A and B, partners in a foursome competition, were faced with a difficult shot over a pond.  Player A, a poor player, swung but purposely missed the ball. Player B, an expert player, then played the ball to the green.

Is this permissible?

No. Since Player A had no intention of moving the ball, he did not play a stroke — see Definition of "Stroke" — and it remained his turn to play.
When Player B played instead of A, A and B incurred a penalty of loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play — Rules 29-2 and -3. In stroke play, Player A must play a ball at the spot from which B played. If Player A did not do so before the side played from the next teeing ground, A and B were disqualified — Rule 29-3.
Definition of Stroke – a "stroke" is the forward movement of the club made with the intention of striking at and moving the ball, but if a player checks his downswing voluntarily before the clubhead reaches the ball he has not made a stroke.