Manteca Park (2010)

Manteca Park
June 26, 2010

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp. Net $ Won
1st 1st Bill Strahan 77 8 69 *$60.00 
  2nd Bill Feeley 83 12 71 $50.00
  3rd Cosmic Singh 80 8 72 *$40.00
2nd 1st Dave McNeilly 86 14 72 *$60.00 
  2nd Randy Metheany 86 12 74 $50.00
  3rd Steven Lindholm 89 13 76 $40.00
3rd 1st Mike Woodall Jr. 90 18 72 *$60.00
  2nd Pete Katsumis 94 22 72 $50.00
  3rd John Masters 90 16 74 *$40.00 


Individual Scores Report
Player Name Rank Hdcp Gross Score
Strahan, William 1 8 77 69
Feeley, Bill 2 12 83 71
Katsumis, Peter T3 22 94 72
McNeilly, Dave T3 14 86 72
Singh, Cosmic T3 8 80 72
Smith, Scott T3 7 79 72
Woodall, Michael Jr T3 18 90 72
Masters, John T8 16 90 74
Metheany, Randy T8 12 86 74
Badet, Lou T10 16 91 75
Eurkus, Mike T10 20 95 75
Lindholm, Steven T12 13 89 76
Seibel, Jack T12 12 88 76
Stritmatter, Daniel 14 19 96 77
Casillas, Manny T15 22 100 78
Delbon, Don T15 16 94 78
Stevens, Bill T15 6 84 78
Fontaine, Levi T18 11 90 79
Olson, Matt T18 3 82 79
Blackstock, Gordon T20 9 89 80
Jasinsky, David J T20 25 105 80
Bjorner, Bob T22 16 97 81
Joseph, Charlie T22 9 90 81
Kuchlenz, Geoffrey T24 14 96 82
Paul, Howard D T24 13 95 82
Woodall, Mike T24 14 96 82
Delbon, David A. 27 15 98 83
Gluck, Dave 28 13 97 84
Bradley, Michael 29 15 101 86
Arnot, John P 30 10 98 88
Bunch, Curtis Jr. 31 23 112 89
Jurgens, John 32 21 119 98 

* Gift Certificates to be spent at Manteca

Ties were broken using the USGA recommended procedure of back 9, back 6, back 3, net. 

Interesting Reading

Interesting articles of interest…

The Secret History of Tiger Woods,, April 2016

The Masters: Making Big Bucks, Spending Big Bucks, Golf Digest, April 2015

The Masters: Land Grab, Golf Digest, April 2014

Whatever happened to Michael Campbell, 2005 US Open Champion?,, May 2014

Brandel Chamblee's job is to opine — and he should be allowed to do so, Golf World, Dec 2013

Yips, the Bane of Golfers, May be Muscular, New York Times, June 2011

How I’ve Redefined Victory, Tiger Woods, Newsweek, November 2010

What the Hell Happened to David Duval? And Why is He So Happy?, Men's Journal, June 2010

NCGA Net Amateur (2010)

NCGA Net Amateur
Poplar Creek
June 12, 2010

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp Net $ Won
1st 1st Bryan Ungaretti * 71 4 67 $60.00
  2nd Howard Stein 73 5 68 $50.00
  3rd Tim Andersen 74 6 68 $40.00
  4th Bill Strahan 75 7 68 $30.00
  5th Brian Su 71 3 68 $20.00
2nd 1st Keith Schumacher 76 8 68 $60.00
  2nd Gordon Blackstock 78 9 69 $50.00
  3rd Cosmic Singh 77 8 69 $40.00
  4th Levi Fontaine 81 11 70 $30.00
  5th Randy Metheany 81 11 70 $20.00
3rd 1st Geoff Kuchlenz * 76 14 62 $60.00
  2nd Dave McNeilly 85 16 69 $50.00
  3rd Brian Dossey 85 16 69 $40.00
  4th Steve Hildebrand 84 14 70 $30.00
  5th Jonathan Fisher 84 14 70 $20.00
4th 1st Kelly Ina * 85 19 66 $60.00
  2nd Mike Woodall Jr. 85 17 68 $50.00
  3rd Lou Badet 85 16 69 $40.00
  4th Kevin Germano 88 19 69 $30.00
  5th Brad Thomas 87 16 71 $20.00
5th 1st Perry Saxton * 87 20 67 $60.00
  2nd Don Kristofferson 88 20 68 $50.00
  3rd Takeo Makishima 91 21 70 $40.00
  4th Ari Illeperuma 89 19 70 $30.00
  5th Many Casillas 93 22 71 $20.00

 Ties were broken using the USGA recommended back 9, back 6 etc.

*Net Amateur qualifiers (four lowest nets)


Scoring Report
Player Name Rank Hdcp Gross Net
Kuchlenz, Geoffrey 1 14 76 62
Ina, Kelly 2 19 85 66
Saxton, Perry T3 20 87 67
Ungaretti, Bryan T3 4 71 67
Andersen, Tim T5 6 74 68
Kristofferson, Don T5 20 88 68
Schumacher, Keith E T5 8 76 68
Stein, Howard E T5 5 73 68
Strahan, William T5 7 75 68
Su, Brian T5 3 71 68
Woodall, Michael Jr T5 17 85 68
Badet, Lou T12 16 85 69
Blackstock, Gordon T12 9 78 69
Dossey, Brian T12 16 85 69
Germano, Kevin T12 19 88 69
McNeilly, Dave T12 16 85 69
Singh, Cosmic T12 8 77 69
Cullinane, Mike T18 7 77 70
Fisher, Jonathan T18 14 84 70
Fontaine, Levi T18 11 81 70
Hildebrand, Steve T18 14 84 70
Illeperuma, Ari T18 19 89 70
Joseph, Charlie T18 9 79 70
Kmak, Thomas T18 4 74 70
Lindholm, Steven T18 13 83 70
Makishima, Takeo T18 21 91 70
Metheany, Randy T18 11 81 70
Wetteland, Patrick T18 7 77 70
Casillas, Manny T29 22 93 71
Rice, R Ronald T29 9 80 71
Thomas, Brad T29 16 87 71
Yoschak, Raymond Jr. T29 13 84 71
Bender, T T33 16 88 72
Colvin, Roger T33 9 81 72
Eurkus, Mike T33 19 91 72
Funk, Larry T33 20 92 72
Katsumis, Peter T33 21 93 72
Makishima, Stephen T33 10 82 72
Masters, John T33 15 87 72
Natenson, Glenn T33 16 88 72
Nedwick, Rich T33 18 90 72
Cesarz, Frank T42 8 81 73
Gluck, Dave T42 13 86 73
Lutz, James T42 9 82 73
Nessler, Mr Richard J T42 28 101 73
Andersen, James T46 16 90 74
Borges, Mike T46 6 80 74
Humeny, Steve T46 8 82 74
Mulhearn, Mike T46 7 81 74
Nelson, Brad J T46 5 79 74
Bradley, Michael T51 13 88 75
Feeley, Bill T51 12 87 75
Huffman, Rawn T51 21 96 75
Jackson, Jerry T51 10 85 75
Kellner, George T51 20 95 75
Paul, Howard D T51 13 88 75
Stritmater, Daniel T51 17 92 75
Susnow, Peter Jr. T51 7 82 75
Andersen, Dennis T59 7 83 76
Hobson, Tony T59 9 85 76
O'Malley, Kevin T59 11 87 76
Ota, Doug T59 18 94 76
Picchi, Emil Sr T59 18 94 76
Santoro, Thomas T59 26 102 76
Lenz, Wayne T65 6 83 77
Mendoza, Steve T65 12 89 77
Ochoa, Fred T65 12 89 77
Stevens, Bill 68 5 83 78
Jurgens, John 69 19 99 80
Kim, Glenn T70 23 104 81
Miyake, Allen T70 13 94 81
Ortolan, David S T70 18 99 81
Tragas, Jimmy 73 18 101 83
Rodriguez, Carlos 74 24 113 89
Brmalj, Stephan B T75 25 NC DNF
Toomey, Michael J T75 25 NC DNF
Bundy, Charles 77 12 DQ DQ
Armand, Alfred T78 16 NS NS
Llamas, Alfred T78 19 NS NS
Marchetti, Chris T78 11 NS NS

Rules: Ball Found After 5 Minutes

A player searches for his ball for five minutes and does not find it.  He continues to search, finds the ball and plays it.

What is the ruling?

The ball was lost and therefore out of play when the five-minute period allowed for the search expired.

When the player played a stroke with a ball out of play, he played a wrong ball and incurred a penalty of loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play — Rule 15-3.

In stroke play, he was disqualified if he did not correct the error by proceeding under Rule 27-1 before playing from the next tee — Rule 15-3b.