A Look Into The Future

A Look Into The Future
By Chip the Seer
With the aid of a Ouija board and my trusty magic eight ball, I will make some rather bold predictions for and of the PCGC membership in 2015.

Bill Feeley, after a lengthy negotiation session and three of Mel's margaritas will decide to take the head coaching with the Niners.  He will also ask for every other Sunday off after he takes a look at their schedule.

Craig Walsh will take the Raiders job only because Billy F has to give him three a side.  "It's a no brainer, said C-Dub, In this league always take the points!"

Steve-O will continue to praise the game of Cabo Nick after each fleecing at the muni.

Big Al and Sonic Sid will launch their self improvement website, 'The keys to better gambling'.

Blue Moon Retainer and I will sit at the bar, on the bubble, awaiting the outcome of match play qualifying. If we have had less than three beers , we're in, over four, call us a cab.

Randy G. will ask Mel the big question, "Can I please have a lime with my Corona?"

John Jurgins will forget which of his Tuesday ladies he has a date with.  He will take the whole foursome to lunch to be safe.

Mike Love will run  unopposed for president without being told.

Dennis K will come off handicap probation.

The Giants will finish third, the Warriors second and a California horse will win the Derby.  No one will remember or care where the A's finish.  

Mr. Marco will lead the Carlmont JV softball team to the title.  He will then demand the school buy uniforms worthy of champions.

Bryan U., Swinging Mr. Stevens and a dark horse, noted Irishman Ross Madigan will win PCGC majors.

My book, 'There Is No Off Switch To Genius' will be "thee" Christmas gift for 2015.

Drink prices will go up with the new management