The Noble Bird

The Noble Bird
By Full of Chip

Bird, bird, bird is the word.  This time of year, the turkey is king.  His A list celebrity status is more sought after than a Kardashian wedding invitation, a night out on the town with Charlie Sheen or watching Kirstie Alley handle herself in a Hollywood buffet line. (Does Kim have to return the wedding gifts?)   Americans fancy the turkey so much so they cook, roast, bbq, fry, boil in oil, and sometimes in traffic, flip the bird.  The love affair is so vast and far reaching, the president, with very little input from the polls and Congress, pardons some of them.  It is unfathomable what kind of trouble these flightless birds can get into, but they are pardoned just the same to a life of leisure in a Washington area zoo.
Debate rages over this noble bird, who was beaked out by the eagle as our national symbol, whether free range or wild turkey is better.  Well, one is a full bodied with the slightest hint of hickory, the other is a bird.  You decide. It is amazing, however, when these birds are viewed in the wild how much they resemble the ones on the bottle.  It must be a quirk of nature, an oddity of life, simular to tending to look like your dog.  
So this Thanksgiving, when the relatives are getting on your last nerve and the Lions don't cover, take solice in the fact  that tomorrow they will be gone and you will have left over turkey sandwiches in silence.