The King and his Court
by Royal Chip
THE KING HAS FALLEN! This was a recent banner headline of the Los Angeles Times;the Washington Post and The PCGC Website. It’s true. The indestructible King of Poplar Creek,Bill Swingin’ Mr, Stevens fell and broke several bones, but not his spirit. Ladders are a young mans game His Neon Knights, JPrez, The Sons of Civil Servants, Blue Moon Retainer, Touchy Feeley and his many Merry Minions have taken a sacred vodka-cranberry oath to put all the pieces back together again.
It won’t take long, said Randy G., he is elastic, Strretch Armstrong like, and a sexy grand pa,so Mel tells me. He is recovering nicely, its in good hands and is accepting all future bets.”
The statesman is a past club president, first rate bowler, multiple club champ and has been the San Mateo Ambassador to golf for what seems a hundred years,’ Said Steve Hildebrant.. Big Al’sbetting combine has Bill’s recovery at better than even odds. “We at the firm, have taken the bet off the board, as it is a lock.
The King epitomizes the club, Blue Lou Badet would have said if we could have located him.It is rumored that he is either a Moonie out spreading love, flowers and sarcasm at an airportnear you, or a bass guitar player in a 60’s cover band. Rock on Lou.
It is further believed that the King founded this club as a young man back in 1933. “We can’t find anyone around here old enough to verify this. We will check with the Elk’s Club as their membership is even older than ours and ask, Hopefully they will remember his name, and theirs,” said a spry Bogie
Until this mystery can be solved, The Merry Minions have vowed to raise an hourly toastto Swingin’ Mr. Stevens. HAIL TO THE KING!