Website Maintenance & Changes

Our website will be undergoing some much needed maintenance over the next month or so.

The underlying code that runs much of the website needs to be updated to their current versions.  These updates are considered to be "major" in nature and will ultimately make it easier for the webmaster in maintaining the website going forward.

What does this mean to you?

You may notice from time to time that our website appears to be "broken" where things seem mis-aligned, text looks odd, information seems garbled, links don't work, etc.

Not to worry. This is an expected side-effect during this process.

Anything can happen when updates are applied – especially the major updates – but be assured that backups of the website have been made and can be called upon to correct any mishaps.  None of the data will be lost.

The updating process will be kept to a minimum as much as possible but you are forewarned.

Will you notice anything new when the updates are finished?  

Not likely but the result may be a small visual tweak here and there but for the most part, the website will look and feel the same.  

You may notice that the website looks different on the mobile phones and maybe even the tablets.  This is also an expected side-effect and is something that will be put into effect to accomodate those wanting to view the website on their phones.

Lastly, it may be decided that certain, least-used features be disabled to save space so don't be surprised if you see something missing.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop a message to the Webmaster on the Contact page.