NCGA Net-Amateur (2012)

NCGA Net Amateur
June 9, 2012 (Sat)
Poplar Creek

Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp. Net $ Won
1st  1st  Thomas Kmak ** 69 4 65 60.00
  2nd  William Strahan ** 77 10 67 50.00
  3rd  Art White ** 78 9 69 40.00
  4th Dave Butzman 77 7 70 30.00
  5th Charlie Joseph 81 11 70 20.00
2nd  1st  Raymond Yoschak Jr. 83 13 70 60.00
  2nd  Dave Gluck 83 13 70 50.00
  3rd  Joseph Canepa 85 15 70 40.00
  4th  John Arnot 83 12 71 30.00
  5th  Noel Murray 85 14 71 20.00
3rd 1st  Mike Eurkus ** 85 20 65 60.00
  2nd  Emil Picchi Sr ** 83 16 67 50.00
  3rd  John Tragoutsis ** 86 17 69 40.00
  4th  John Masters 86 16 70 30.00
  5th  Peter Katsumis 93 21 72 20.00

** Qualified for Sectional Qualifying on September 13, 2012.    
Ties were broken using back 9, back 6 etc.   
Redwood General Tire Certificate Closest to the Pin Winners.    
Hole #3: Glen Rojas 11’ 11”   
Hole #15: Emil Picchi 2' 9"


Scoring Report
Rank Name Gross Hdcp Net + / –
  Flight 1        
1 Thomas Kmak 69 4 65 -5
2 William Strahan 77 10 67 -3
3 Art White 78 9 69 -1
4 Dave Butzman 77 7 70 0
5 Charlie Joseph 81 11 70 0
6 Brian Su 74 3 71 +1
7 Ken Boone 79 8 71 +1
8 Dennis Kunz 81 9 72 +2
9 Mike Cullinane 81 9 72 +2
10 Steve Humeny 80 8 72 +2
11 Daniel Murray 78 5 73 +3
12 Bill Stevens 80 7 73 +3
13 Mike Borges 79 6 73 +3
14 Michael Shaffer 85 10 75 +5
15 Jim McCann 86 10 76 +6
16 Allen Miyake 90 11 79 +9
17 Rich Jauregui NS 9 NS NS
  Flight 2        
1 Raymond Yoschak Jr. 83 13 70 0
2 Dave Gluck 83 13 70 0
3 Joseph Canepa 85 15 70 0
4 John Arnot 83 12 71 +1
5 Noel Murray 85 14 71 +1
6 Steven Lindholm 84 13 71 +1
7 Michael Woodall Jr 86 15 71 +1
8 Randy Metheany 84 12 72 +2
9 Levi Fontaine 85 12 73 +3
10 Michael Bradley 89 15 74 +4
11 David McNeilly 86 11 75 +5
12 David Delbon 88 13 75 +5
13 Randy Gubert 89 13 76 +6
14 Lou Badet 91 13 78 +8
15 Bradley Thaute 89 11 78 +8
16 Kevin O'Malley 93 12 81 +11
17 Frank Cesarz 93 11 82 +12
  Flight 2        
1 Mike Eurkus 85 20 65 -5
2 Emil Picchi Sr 83 16 67 -3
3 John Tragoutsis 86 17 69 -1
4 John Masters 86 16 70 0
5 Peter Katsumis 93 21 72 +2
6 Daniel Stritmatter 90 16 74 +4
7 Don Kristofferson 96 22 74 +4
8 Robert Nikaido 93 19 74 +4
9 Steve Morello 92 17 75 +5
10 Mitch Franklin 94 18 76 +6
11 Doug Ota 95 18 77 +7
12 Jimmy Tragas 96 18 78 +8
13 Don Delbon 96 17 79 +9
14 Dave Baltor 97 17 80 +10
15 Manny Casillas 99 18 81 +11
16 Steve Howlett 104 19 85 +15
17 Glen Rojas 105 19 86 +16


Alameda Fry (2012)

Alameda "Fry"
May 19, 2012


Flight Place Player Gross Hdcp Net  $ Won 
1st  1st Bill Stevens 75 9 66 60.00
  2nd Dennis Kunz 80 9 71 50.00
  3rd Mike Mulhearn 78 7 71 40.00
  4th  Dave Butzman 82 7 75 30.00
2nd  1st David Delbon 80 14 66 60.00
  2nd Stephen Hildebrand 81 13 68 50.00
  3rd  Michael Woodall Jr. 86 16 70 40.00
  4th  Norm Utigard 92 18 74 30.00
3rd  1st  Doug Ota 89 20 69 60.00
  2nd Dennis Reiser 89 18 71 50.00
  3rd  Manny Casillas 92 20 72 40.00
  4th  David Lagerloef 97 20 77 30.00

Redwood General Tire Closest to the Pin Winners:
#4 Norm Utigard
#15 Michael Bradley

Thank you to Ken Gerstle, Denny Reiser and Redwood General Tire for providing the Gift Certificates.


Scoring Report
  Flight 1 Hdcp Net
1 Bill Stevens 9 66
2 Dennis Kunz 9 71
3 Mike Mulhearn 7 71
4 Dave Butzman 7 75
5 Bill Verbrugge 5 76
6 Thomas Kmak 4 77
7 William Strahan 10 79
8 Scott Smith 8 80
9 Jon Loeser 6 84
10 Ronald Rice 10 85
11 Stephen Makishima 9 96
  Flight 2 Hdcp Net
1 David Delbon 14 66
2 Stephen Hildebrand 13 68
3 Michael Woodall Jr 16 70
4 Norm Utigard 18 74
5 Michael Bradley 15 76
6 Randy Gubert 13 76
7 David McNeilly 10 77
8 Randy Metheany 13 77
9 Dave D'Arche 11 77
10 Don Delbon 18 77
11 Steven Lindholm 12 77
12 Lou Badet 14 80
  Flight 3 Hdcp Net
1 Doug Ota 20 69
2 Dennis Reiser 18 71
3 Manny Casillas 20 72
4 David Lagerloef 20 77
5 Glenn Natenson 21 77
6 Jimmy Tragas 19 80
7 Peter Katsumis 22 80
8 Carlos Rodriguez 20 82
9 Thomas Santoro 29 82
10 Ken Gerstle 20 83
11 Jim Felker 19 89
12 Michael Rafello NH 96


PCGC Stats Intro

[box type=”tick” icon=”none” border=”full”]

Welcome Back!! After a long hiatus, the Player Statistics is back for your enjoyment.  For now, only the 2016 season is available.  The 2015 season is being entered into the database.

If you have any questions about these Stats, drop the webmaster (Bill Strahan) a message through the Contact page.


[box type=”tick” icon=”none” border=”full”]

Known Issues Some players cashed twice in the 1-2-3 Best Balls tournament (individual and team event) and their season summary shows their prize money as blank.


Stats are updated through [stats-recentevent].

Player Statistics

These Stats are made available to our members so they can track their performance during the season. 

These stats are meant to be fun and informative.


Prior Seasons

Only the 2016 season and forward is available.  The 2015 season will be shown once it is entered into the database.


Be sure to consult the Help section for info and other helpful tips.

PCGC Stats Help

Tab titleTotal RecordsOther $$?Dual EventsGilliam N/A?GraphsOther Notes

Stats - Main Stats Help

(1) The overall Stats section and the main menu have been streamlined where most of the stats now reside under Main Stats.

(2) The chosen seasons will be highlighted and displayed in the main table.

(3) The Quick Filters and Search field will filter the Stats in real time meaning the page will not refresh (thanks to the beauty of JavaScript and HTML 5).

At anytime, you can use the Reset/Show All link to return the Stats back to its default view (all records will be shown).

(4) Hover over a player's name and the player's Season Snapshot will appear in a popup window.  

There is a small spinning circle just before the window appears (not shown in the image above) which means that it is querying the database for the player's information.

The links within the window will take you to the desired tournaments.  

The window will disappear when the mouse moves away from the window.  

iPad users will have to click on the player's name to "activate" the popup window and click on the window's black, upper right X to close the window.

(5) Clicking on the orange headers will sort the column and highlight the column indicating that is the column being sorted.

Clicking multiple times on the orange headers will toggle the sorting between ascending and descending.

(6) You can navigate to specific pages by using the paging buttons at the bottom right.

(7) Hovering over the blue question mark will bring up a small reminder tip.  

This tip also appears when you first enter the Main Stats and will disappear automatically after 10 seconds.

(8) Click on the Tips & More Information bar to expand more helpful information.


If you do not see any of these interactive features in your browser then it means one of two things:

1) You have JavaScript disabled in your browser.  This is not very likely since it takes a few steps to disable JavaScript.

2) You are using an old browser and should upgrade to the latest version.  Not only should you upgrade to keep up with the latest internet technologies but also for overall security during your internet use.  You should also be sure to regularly check that Adobe Flash is up to date.

What does the number in "Total Records Found" mean that appears at the top of the player's list of names?

This is how many players are in this database that have played in at least one event since the 2012 season.

The total number of players in the entire database will be shown when you click on the menu item to Show All names.

As of the last tournament recorded into the Players Statistics, [stats-playercount] players have played in one or more events this season which is different than the graphic above since the number will grow as the season progresses.

When the filtering options are used, the number of records found during the filtering will change depending on the range chosen.

In the above image, 30 players were found when the I-L filtering was chosen.

We don't have many tournaments where the payouts go beyond fifth place but for purposes of simplicity, prize money that does not fit into the 1st thru 5th places are classified as "Other".


– Match Play – players receiving money in the money rounds (Rounds 1, 2, 3 or 4).  Exceptions are the Champion who is placed 1st and the Runner Up who is placed 2nd.  All others are placed into "Other".

– Turkey Shoot – any player receiving a payout except for the winner who is placed into 1st place.

– Some team winnings such as the team winnings in Santa Ball.

The Santa Ball tournament has two competitions: individual and team.  It is possible that a player can cash in both events.

In the example shown in the above image, this player did cash twice.  This is from a player's Season Summary showing that they cashed in both competitions.  The first number is the individual rank and winnings, the second number is the team rank and winnings.


This image shows the same player's Tournament Summary for the Santa Ball tournament showing how they cashed in both the individual and team competitions.

Some players who cashed during the season may have a "n/a" for their Gilliam Points Rank.  To add to the confusion, the affected player does appear in the official Gilliam Points list but according to their Season Summary, their status is "n/a".

This is because the Gilliam Points data is stored in a different database and for some players, their names between the two databases may have slight variations in their first names (Pat and Patrick, Jim and James, William and Bill, etc) or their last names may be spelled differently.  Most of the variations are accounted for automatically but in the end, some are difficult to match together and will be corrected as time goes on.

The Gilliam Points Rank shown in a player's Season Summary is informational only.  You should always consult the official Gilliam Points for the official standings.

The graphs shown on a player's Season Summary are provided to give a better visual representation of how the player is doing during the season.

Note that the legend on the left and bottom axis' change automatically depending on the numbers being shown for the particular player.

Hover over the bars for popup info.

There doesn't seem to be any issues with speed or browser compatibility so for now the graphs will stay.

There are certain Team and Points events (eg, NCGA 4-Man, NCGA 2-Man, 2-Man Alternate, Stableford, etc) that are not used to compute statistics such as hole and scoring averages. Only individual events that have a fully postable 18-hole score are used.